President: Glenn Taylor

    Secretary: Sara Beanlands

    Treasurer: Wayne Ingalls

    Archivist: Sharon Ingalls

    Publicity: Heather Bagnell

    Social: Hazel McLeod

    Phone: Sharon Kline

    Membership: Shirley Donaldson

    Members at Large:

    Judy McCluskey

    Judy Whiteway


    The Rockingham Heritage Society exists to preserve and promote the history and heritage of the greater Rockingham area.

    Preservation involves the collection, cataloguing and storage of materials documenting the history of the Rockingham area. Preservation also involves advocacy with a view to conserving the past and preventing the destruction of Rockingham's heritage in a context of urban growth and development.

    Promotion involves the dissemination of information collected by the Society through a program of activities and publications. The Society sponsors a number of events designed to enhance awareness of Rockingham heritage.


    If you are interested in becoming a member of the Rockingham Heritage Society, you can download and mail a completed application, with a cheque payable to the Rockingham Heritage Society.

    Annual Membership is only $10.00!

    We are always looking for volunteers to share their time, energy, and creativity. Please indicate any volunteer interests on the membership application form.

    If you have any questions or would like to contact a member of the Board, please email: sbeanlands@boreasheritage.ca