The Rockingham Heritage Society exists to preserve and promote the history and heritage of the greater Rockingham area.

This area includes communities from Fairview Cove to Fernleigh Park between the Bedford Basin and the Birch Cove Lakes.

Aerial History in Halifax

Wednesday November 13th

Saint Peter’s Church - 7pm

Join the Rockingham Heritage Society for a

talk by Ken Beanlands on Aerial History in Halifax.

Membership fees in the Rockingham Heritage Society support our work in preserving and promoting Rockingham community heritage. 

Annual Membership is only $10 per year!

Memberships may be purchased at general meetings, or you can download and mail a completed application, with a cheque payable to the Rockingham Heritage Society.

We are always looking for volunteers to share their time, energy, and creativity and have many opportunities available. Please indicate any volunteer interests on the membership application form!


Thank you for your support